How To Use Lifts & Elevators In Covid-19?
Taking an elevator during the coronavirus outbreak feels riskier for people who live or work in lofty buildings. Even if we are able to avoid sharing an elevator with other people, we are still sharing the germs and bacteria they have left behind.
Because most elevators aren't large enough to keep passengers six feet away, there's a possibility that sick passengers could spread the virus, especially if they're exposed or while coughing or chatting. However, even if you're alone in the elevator, there are alternative ways to contract the coronavirus.
Anyone who uses a lift during the Covid-19 pandemic should help keep themselves safe by following the elevator safety instructions listed below.
Practice Social Distancing while waiting for and in the Elevator
Social Distancing must be practised at all times, including while waiting for an elevator. Users should keep a gap of at least 3 feet between them. The usage of floor markings at lift landings is a simple but efficient method of ensuring that users maintain social distance while waiting for the elevator. Building management can also install a capsule lift for 2 persons in the building to avoid crowded elevators.
Using a Mask at All Times
Everyone should use a mask whenever they leave their home. Passengers who do not wear a mask should avoid using elevators because they are putting their lives and the lives of others in danger. If a passenger does not have a mask, they should avoid using the elevator or ride alone.
Reduce the Number of Passengers
The risk of exposure is decreased when the number of passengers in a lift is kept to a minimum. At any given moment, only one person should use the lift. This, however, may not always be possible. Every day, thousands of people use high-rise offices and residential buildings. In a lift car, limiting the number of passengers can help to reduce the virus's spread. Similarly, people from the same family should use the lift at the same time.
Avoid Touching Buttons With Bare Hands
Lift users should avoid touching the lift's buttons and other surfaces. It is preferable to push the buttons with an object such as a key or a stick. If passengers do not have access to a key or stick, they can press the button with their elbow (because the elbow will not come into touch with the passenger's face or eyes). Wearing rubber or nitrile gloves instead of utilizing objects is another option individuals can consider.
Sanitize Your Hands
Hand sanitization is extremely important before boarding and after exiting the lift. Users must ensure that the lift is left in a clean condition for other passengers. Before boarding the lift, travellers should sanitize their hands to ensure that they do not endanger others. Passengers are kept safe even if they mistakenly contact a surface by sanitizing their hands after alighting.
Even though the pandemic has caused significant damage worldwide, Covid-19 is going to stay. Elevator users can make their experience safer for themselves and others by following basic preventive measures.